Thomas Mountford (EPFL, Lausanne)
Critical values for threshold contact processes in large dimensions.
(joint work with Roberto Schonmann)
We consider spin systems on $\{0,1\}^{Z^d}$ where spins of value $1$
change to spins of value $0$ at rate $1$ irrespetive of the surrounding
configuration but for which $0$'s change to $1$'s at rate $\lambda$ only
if at least $r$ neighbouring values are $1$ where $r \leq d$. The
is attractive and thus two critical values are well defined:
the value $\lambda$ above which there exist non trivial equilibria for
system the value $\lambda$ such that if the system begins from product
measure with a strictly positive density then the system does not die
(in an obvious sense).
We show that both parameters tend to zero as $d$ tends to infinity.
The work follows earlier work of Toom, Chen, Fontes, Sidoravicius and
Schonmann and Fontes and Schonmann.
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